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start: ucla
(multiple destinations)
westwood (multiple destinations)
lines: n/a
estimated fare total:
estimated time travel:
walking required:
gets you to
if you want to go to the following locations, use the "from dorms direction"
mr. noodle
mann village theatre
boba loca
if you want to go to the following locations, us the "from ackerman / ucla store direction"
burger king
geffen playhouse
best buy
bank of america
american apparel
urban outfitters
Route setup
Stage 1: Walk for 10 to 15 minutes to arrive at start point using either of the two convenient Directions.
Stage 2: From start point, walk to desired destination.
Stage 1
From Dorms Direction
Walk to De Neve's main entrance (in front of crossing leading to Bruin Walk) and arrive at Charles E. Young Drive W.
Walk downhill on Charles E. Young Drive W. (passing tennis courts on left) to arrive and turn right onto to Strathmore Place.
Turn left on Gayley Avenue and continue down street (passing UCLA's Mattel Children's Hospital on left) to arrive at Gayley Avenue / Le Conte Avenue intersection (with In-N-Out in front of you).
This is the "From Dorms Direction" start point.
Proceed to Stage 2 - "From Dorms Direction."
From Ackerman / UCLA Store Direction
Walk in the direction of bus terminal and continue walking down Westwood Boulevard (passing UCLA Ronald Reagan Hospital on right).
Arrive at Westwood Boulevard / Le Conte Avenue intersection (with Burger King in front of you).
This is the "From Ackerman / UCLA Store Direction" start point.
Proceed to Stage 2 - "From Ackerman / UCLA Store."
Stage 2
From Dorms Direction
From this start point, you are able to get to the following destinations: (in order of proximity to start point).
Located across the In-N-Out facing you.
Mr. Noodle / BJs / Mann Village Theatre
Turn left on Le Conte Avenue and then right onto Broxton Avenue.
Mr. Noodle should be found to your left, BJs on your right, and Mann Village Theatre on the corner to your right at the Weyburn Avenue intersection.
Boba Loca
Perform steps to get to Mr. Noodle.
Continue short walk down Broxton Avenue to cross to the other side of Weyburn Avenue and turn left TO find Boba Loca.
From Ackerman / UCLA Store Direction
From this start point, you are able to get to the following destinations: (in order of proximity to start point).
Burger King
Cross Le Conte Avenue, to find it located across the start point, facing you.
Geffen Playhouse
Once on the side of Le Conte Avenue by Burger King, walk down (away from BK, but staying on that block).
Geffen Playhouse should be on your left only after a few meters.
Ralphs / Best Buy
Once by the Geffen Playhouse, continue to walk down to find the Ralphs and Best Buy area on your right.
Bank of America / CVS / American Apparel / Chili's / Aahs! / Urban Outfitters
From the start point (Westwood Boulevard / Le Conte Avenue intersection) continue to walk down Westwood Boulevard on the left-side sidewalk to find Bank of America on your left.
Walk a bit further down to find CVS on a corner to your right at the Westwood Boulevard / Weyburn Avenue intersection.
If you remain on the left-side sidewalk on Westwood Boulevard and continue to walk further down, you will find American Apparel, Chili's, Aahs!, and Urban Outfitters, all on your right in that or similar order.